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Move Over Teddy Ruxpin, Poe the Ai Story Bear Is Here

Skyrocket licensed OpenAI GPT-4o and ElevenLabs' AI voice technology to create PLAi: Poe the Ai Story Bear

Tech toy company Skyrocket has introduced a cuddly plush toy for kids that utilizes AI platforms create and tell custom stories. PLAi: Poe the Ai Story Bear uses OpenAI and ElevenLabs AI models to craft original tales based on mix-and-match story ideas that kids select from the Story Creator app.

Poe the Ai Story Bear is the first in a series of new toys from PLAi (pronounced ‘play’), Skyrocket’s AI-focused brand that harnesses the knowledge base and processing capabilities of AI in a closed environment, designed to be safe for kids. There are no cameras, active microphones, or access to the internet. No personal information is required, and no inappropriate themes or content are ever exchanged. Robust family content monitoring ensures that every story Poe tells is safe and secure. With the ability to tell stories in 30 languages, Poe can engage with kids around the world.

Creating stories with Poe the Ai Story Bear is fun and simple. First connect Poe to any smart device, then use the free Poe Ai Bear: Story Creator app to select ideas for a story, choosing from hundreds of family friendly icons that can be tailored for age and preferences. Kids can choose as little or as many ideas as they want and Poe will ‘make up’ a completely original tale, never repeating the same story twice.

Poe the Ai Story Bear is available at major retailers now for $49.99.


See also: Golden Bear Toys Brings Soccer Bot To U.S. Market



